This post features some "masterpieces" that will most likely never see the light of day aka Print. They were all shot for someone to serve a purpose and when it came down to the client digging them or not, they were sent packing. NOT APPROVED.
This is one aspect of photography that is not necessarily new to me but I am experiencing it more now that starting to meet new clients. They love the work but they don't love the work. Maybe they liked the idea of it but didn't like the final outcome, its not what they had envisioned, who knows. Not getting images approved by clients is definately a sting to the ego but then you have to move on or go back to the drawing board and come to a new compromise and move forward again.
Sometimes no matter how genius and clever(apparently pretty clever as Oprah was feeling the grass theme this month also see O magazine cover shot) you think the shots are and how you think the images will give the client a new modern look and feel to their business, its ultimately up to the client and sometimes even though through conversation they are up for "new ideas". Its easier and more effective for the client to stay with the same style and "look" they have adapted through the years. Nothing personal. CLOSE BUT NO CIGAR.

i kind of like that shoe shot to the left