Tim - somewhere outside Orillia
Sometimes the context of content can be kinda confining(Alteration!) and sometimes I just want to shoot people, just cause I like to. If you have friends that are into photography like I do, then most often then not they are in the same boat. For me lately this has kinda given me the chance to explore some sweet new locations. Recently my friend Tim and I came acrossa really great place to take photos, neither of us had any plan or had anything inparticluar to shoot, we both just wanted to shoot for practice sake, just cause we can. Unfortunately, as soon as we set up, JC had to add his 2cents and the rain and clouds moved in and we got one heck of a thunderstorm, luckily I have a few film shots(waiting for Noritzu to fix the C41 machine at work) but have yet to be developed, I did get one digi shot, see 'Tim - somewhere outside of Orillia".
Tamara - Backyard Lawn
Some other new locations I have found have been right where you least expect them or maybe its just trying something new, looking to broadering my horizons. One place that I didn't really realize would be my new favorite is my backyard lawn. It has the texture, the colour that I dig, its extremely easy to get to and if its one of those days or nights, I can have a few beverages while shooting! The neighbours might think your nuts but f'em, everyone is crazy in some sort of way right?

Tamara - at the family property.
So now that I have gotten over the stigma of shooting without content( I do think that content is one aspect to making a successful photograph but not always) it seems that I can feel free to shoot where I want without feeling guilty of "slacking off". One thing that I have learned especially from certain folks pushing me, is that its better to shoot something then nothing at all. So thats kinda what I have been doing lately when either my ADD starts to kick in or I just want to shoot something new.
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