Brandon no.4
I recently purchased new lighting equipment and have been dying to use it, luckily I have some friends that like it when I take their photos and Brandon is one of them. He seems to be always down which is great because wrangling people to shoot can be difficult at times, no one wants a photo of themselves? I don't know if taking "nice family PG photos" is what I do but I do think the pictures I take are attractive in one way or another.
I do feel however feel this photo isn't as good as it could have been(operator error, not you Bran its all me) and could even be described as a "miss". When I look at it I feel like it is something that would be considered average or something that might be produced in the first year of photography school. Maybe more post production, maybe a tighter crop could revive this sucker and label it "useable"? who knows.
Brandon no.5
The man that is always down, Brandon again, shot at Garage Studio. Shot similarly to my buddy Garrette, I just love showing the set and everything and using the environment to frame the homies. The great Annie L does this time to time, so why can't I? I find it interesting when other photographers do this because you get to see how they work, what they are working with and where they are working, its kinda like a lesson in lighting and composition all in one, plus it looks cool don't it? Cool lookin' photo is what its all about right?
Kim, broken nose.
One of my fave photos this year so far. Pretty straight up shot but the photo has an infinite amount of context and narrative that could be applied to it, its this that makes it so appealing to me. Thanks Kim.
Nice girl and the nose!!!