Title page for the series "Immortalized In Flesh"
So I have been kinda busy since moving back to Barrie. I have been hustling to survive and I have also been working on two personal projects. The first is a series entitled "Immortalized in Flesh". The reason why I started this series was because I have quite a few friends that have some bitchin' tattoos thats are rarely seen in detail. So I wanted them displayed in a way you could see the beautiful colours, design and skill. So I figured now is a better time then ever to start photographing the tattoos and the people that have them. Its sort of away for me to give back to my homies and strangers for taking a step that I haven't been able to yet.
The second series isn't that "new" but definately far from complete. Thats the series entitled "Homecoming" which features portraits, landscapes and places from around Barrie and surrounding area, all the stuff I left behind when I moved to Ottawa. All shot with natural light, no electronic flash set ups, nothing. Just cloudy skies aka J.C's Softbox.
I have also been shooting and post producing images for the premire issue of Pie Magazine. Pie magazine is a lifestyle magazine situated out of Barrie, the coool thing about Pie Magazine for me is that they have been really great and have pretty much let me do whatever I want as long as its in context of the article, so I am really pumped to be working with them! Unfortunately you'll have to wait for those images, sucks I know! You can see the behind the scenes shots of the shoots I have done for Pie on my facebook, not really a sneak peek but definately a close second! Enjoy.
"Bo and Adelle" from the series "Homecoming"
you better keep this shit up to date. It'll be so annoying if you dont.