Here are some of my images I shot for Pie Magazine Issue 2. Images that I like to consider "close but no cigar". They made the short list but didn't get much further then that, Sometimes it was my choosing sometimes someone else's

This is a shot of Kent( the owner?) from the upscale restaurant " Micheal and Marions". he suggested that I shoot him filling a patrons glass with champagne. After a couple trys and close misses we decide that pouring + trying to look totally normal while looking straight at the camera was way way too hard and time consuming. So we switched him to a "pre pour" kinda situation. That went well and was somewhat of a success( lighting was good minimal shadows and less of a strained looking pose). However when I opened up the image in Bridge i noticed that one of the "extras" faces was half showing and partially blocked by blond hair. If you know the schooling that I have had(and I know many of you do) its to never leave something half in or half out, this was the case with this shot. Close but no cigar.

So this is one of many shots I did for a mens fashion editorial that made the shortlist. The theme was obviously croquet and for me the shot is awesome, has that kinda stiff anti pose pose that I have in many of my photos. However when it came time to picking what was actually going to be run, this one didn't make it out of the gates! still a favorite of mine from that shoot. Close but no cigar.
This was one of three poses we did with this particular outfit for the same mens fashion editorial, nothing really wrong with it( the flare was intentional), just one of the others looked better. Close but no Cigar.
Pie Magazine did a story on various modern jobs. This is a photo of Sarah Jackson, a canadian top model( the face of Shoppers Drug Mart I was told) for the story they did on her. This shoot was particularily difficult, not in execution but in the fact of how to show a modlels job without showing the obvious- a model shot. So the magazine and I deiced on the theme of "making calls and scheduling". I wanted to do something super basic, almost a monochromatic image, super simple. This particular shot was in the list but I think the final verdict was too plain and not flattering enough. Close but no cigar.

This shot of sarah Jackson was close to be run but what held it back was the fact it didn't show of her long gorgeous legs and more of her body, something models are obviously famous for. Close but no cigar.